
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Calling Year 7 students - Royal Mint writing competition

Calling Year 7 students - Royal Mint writing competition
Gertrude Asante

Calling all year 7 students!

The Royal Mint Museum story competition topic this year is coins and the sea.

We are exploring the role coins have played in Britain’s history of seafaring. How they have been used by sailors and traded by merchants, how they have been tokens of good luck or the captured wealth of a rival, and how their role at sea has inspired imaginations from pirates to sunken treasure.

We want you to write a story of no more than 500 words about a ship carrying a cargo including gold coins. The ship sails into a storm and gets into trouble, what happens next? Talk to Mr Shannon in the library for more details!

This is a national competition, but there will also be a prize for Mr Shannon's favourite story from us here at OA Arena!

We also have a large selection of books on sea vessels and maritime history in the reference section of the library!