Using the school library
Introducing Accessit - your online library Click here to go to Accessit - our online library where you can search the school library and manage your books!
You can now search for, reserve and review our school library books on the Accessit app, which you can access on the web by pressing the button above, or through the Accessit app on every student iPad.
Just sign in with your school email address and password! Speak to your librarian if you need help resetting this.
It's as easy as typing what you're looking for into the search box above. For example, you could search:
- Books and series: E.G. 'Harry Potter,' 'The Hate U Give,' 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid,'
- Authors: E.G. Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, David Walliams
- Tags: E.G. 'Murder Mystery,' 'Romance,' 'Horror'
- Topics you're researching or are interested in: E.G. 'climate change,' 'baking,' 'stress,'
Expand the panels below for more information on using the Oasis Arena school library.
- Video Tutorial: how to use Accessit (6mins)
- Finding a book
- Don't know what you want to read?
- How to return a book after you've finished reading it
- Reviewing books for Arena Points
- What to do if you need more time to read your book
- What to do if the book is lost/damaged