Our e-books and audio-books
Arena's free e-books and audio books
Students and staff can access 2000+ free e-books and audiobooks with just their school email address and password using either Wheelers e-Platform or Accessit (they're the same but Accessit searches all of our physical books too).
Arena's Wheelers e-Platform Arena's Accesit, your online library
- There are over 2200 books, many of which are current and new releases that we don’t have in the school library
- You can access Wheeler's e-platform from your tablets, phones, laptops, and there’s also an app for apple and android
- Sign in and borrow straight away with just your school email address and password! (firstname.lastname@oasisarena.org for example Lorem Ipsum's email is Loren.Ipsum@oasisarena.org)
- Books are automatically returned when they reach their due date, so you don’t have to worry about overdues, and you can also renew it yourself
- If downloading the app, search for ‘Oasis Academy Arena’
Not enough free ebooks and audiobooks?
Find out how you can access even more free e-resources with Croydon Library using the tabs below.
Free resources with Croydon Library
- How to join Croydon Library
- Free E-books and Audiobooks with Croydon Library
- Free comics and magazines with Croydon Library
- Free newspapers with Croydon Library