
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Behaviour and Rewards

As a result of the feedback we received from parents and students, we have reviewed our rewards systems; giving rewards which student’s value and which reflect our academy values and expectations. The new system will begin this week and will allow your child to receive termly and yearly rewards.

As some achievements are more difficult to accomplish than others, a point’s value has been introduced as described below:

  • All pupils will start each half term being allocated with 100 points
  • Points can be added and subtracted for both positive and negative behaviours
  • The aim of the reward system is to maintain or improve upon the 100 points therefore the pupils having a positive total value towards their learning and behaviour in the academy
  • Tutors will monitor pupils from their tutor group and update their spreadsheet
  • Pupils who have 100 points and above will be rewarded through the academy reward and celebration events

Oasis Arena Rewards System: Below is a breakdown of the Point system.

Description Points value
9 Habits 5
Outstanding work 2
Outstanding behaviour 2
Outstanding citizen 2

Your child can be rewarded each half term with the following:

  • Certificates
  • Phone calls home
  • Reward Assemblies
  • Trips (Cinema, theatre, places of interest as determined by the Student Council)
  • Non-Uniform Day
  • Other incentives (as discussed with Student Council)

Termly and end of year rewards for the students will be arranged closer to the time and information regarding these rewards will be shared in due course. Students will receive awards for Attendance, Attitude to Learning and progress along with a final Celebration Assembly at the end of the school year.

As this is a new system, students, staff and parents/carers will have the opportunity to give feedback towards the end of the term.