
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


Oasis Academy Arena was inspected in November 2023.
This was the first routine inspection at our school since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with the school and have taken that into account in their evaluation of the school. The last Ofsted inspection was November 2019.

We are pleased to say that our academy has improved since our inspection in 2019. Our most recent Ofsted inspection in 2023 judged us as Good in 'Behaviour and attitudes' and 'Personal development'. Overall Ofsted categorised our school as 'Requires improvement' and we are working to meet the inspectors' recommendations.

Pupils feel safe and are interested in their lessons. They behave respectfully and treat each other well.  Staff take a caring approach when pupils have any concerns.Ofsted (November 2023)

We celebrate our progress towards ensuring our students receive the highest level of education and look forward to implementing Ofsted’s recommendations to ensure each of our students have the opportunity to be highly successful. We are on our journey to be rated 'Good', and want to ensure that our young people receive an education they are proud of when they leave our academy - ready for their next steps. 

Some findings from our inspection are as follows:

  • Pupils and parents and carers have noticed improvements in their experiences of this school. Leaders have brought consistency to many aspects of the school’s work.
  • The curriculum in place is ambitious and broad. It is set out in a way that ensures that the work provided to pupils builds on what they have been taught before.
  •  The school has established a careers development programme that includes work experience and mentoring from qualified experts. This helps pupils to make successful decisions about their next steps. 
  • The school provides clubs and activities to meet pupils’ interests. Many pupils benefit from this provision. For pupils in the specially resourced provision, these activities provide a caring environment in which specific interests can be explored with guidance from skilled teachers.  
  • Teachers are knowledgeable about their subject and receive further support and training from the trust.

A full copy of Ofsted's Inspection Report can be viewed and downloaded here. 

To see a full list of previous inspections along with our current report, please visit the Ofsted website. 

Parent View

Parent View is an online questionnaire for parents and carers to give their views about our school at any time of the year.  At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View. If you would like to participate on Parent View, please do so by clicking here, you can also see previous years survey results.